Pandan Raisin Buns

Often past by some local bakeries, I would very much attracted by the gorgeous smell of the pandan raisin buns, the soft and spongy buns freshly baked from the ovens. Yes, I usually won't quite bother to buy them, since I know how the softness of the bread is achieved. And each time, I would just tell myself, I am going to make my own pandan raisin buns SOON.  

This is perfect for an afternoon tea break, to enhance it further, I like to eat it with butter. Not a fancy bun to make, just one of the basic sweet bun recipe added with pure pandan juice. Any home baker can do it with any of your favourite recipe. 


Mel said…
Your Pandan Buns looks so beautifully baked in golden brown! I likes to bake my own bread and buns nowadays.
Cosy Bake said…
Thanks! It's a simple joy to see our homemade bread ' grow' from scratch.

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