Dotty Dot Matcha Roll Cake

Something light for tea time is always welcomed by many. Roll cakes are one of the most complete choice among other pastries and bread. Love this light and soft roll cake filled with Azuki and cream. My nephews finished two slices each at one go. How great to see them enjoyed the cake so well!

Made the roll cake with a little touch of decoration by dotting with Matcha polka dots. I find the dots are too big for what I was expected. Would love to make another one with my ideal size of dots for my next cake. What flavor should I do next?


Large Eggs    3
Sugar     60g
Top Flour  50g
Matcha Powder    1/4 tsp
Water    1/2 tsp


Double Cream   200ml
Sugar    10g
Azuki    30g


1. Line a 27x 27cm Swiss roll baking tray with parchment paper and set a side. Beat eggs and sugar over double boiled water till sugar melted.

2. Continue beating using electric mixer till batter reach ribbon stage.

4. Sift in flour and fold in well.

5. Mix Matcha powder and water in another bowl. Scoop about 15g of the batter to mix into the matcha mixture. Mix well, and put into a small piping bag and cut it with a very small cut, and dot the baking tray with small dots of matcha batter. Pour the plain batter over the dots and bake in preheated oven for 11 minutes at 200'c.

6. Remove the cake from baking tray right after it's out from the oven. Let the cake cool on wire rack.

7. Peel the parchment paper off and spread on whipped double cream and azuki. Roll the cake up and keep in the fridge for at least 15 minutes before serving.


Kitchen Corner said…
haha.. it looks so cute! I love the dot dot...
Cosy Bake said…
Kitchen Corner,

Haha... i also find it cute.... Think I should try another smaller dots! he he...
This is the 2nd polka dot swiss roll I saw this week, nice!
hanushi said…
Wah, pretty pretty... :)
Anonymous said…
So cute !! :)
Anonymous said…
I have not had roll cake since living at home. My mom used to bake it when we wanted something sweet at night. It was quick to make and we got to choose the jam we wanted inside.

All your roll cakes look so cute and so inspirational. I love how you add funness to your baking!
Cosy Bake said…
Blessed Homemaker,

Thanks! I find it quite fun to see some effect on a simple roll cake. The kids liked it very much too!
Cosy Bake said…

Thanks! Now thinking of what pattern to make next.
Cosy Bake said…
Hi Weng,

Thanks for dropping by!
Cosy Bake said…

Thanks, I think your mum is such sweet mummy. :) I always prefer to have cream filling in roll cakes. Had not tried one with jam so far.
hanushi said…
Maybe can try star shape? Haha...
Cosy Bake said…

That is going to be very challenging!!
DG said…
Lovely dot dot roll!
Anonymous said…
I already left a comment above but realized today that I also have a question. Although i am half japanese and have cooked plenty of japanese dishes I have never baked any japanese cakes or buns. I would like to give it a shot as I LOVE to eat the fluffy, soft cakes and buns.... I am wondering if I can use all purporse flour that they sell in the regular grocery stores of if I need special japaense/asian flour.

I appreciate your help,
all the best!
Cosy Bake said…
Hi Nutpi,

I am afraid the all purpose flour may not give you the ideal result as what the Japanese cakes and buns should be. How about pastry flour? can you find them over your side? Or you may use cake flour like the brand named Softasilk? you are most welcome to drop by and I will always very happy to help as far as I can.!!
Nutpi said…
Thanks for your message! I live in NYC and they say you can find anything you are looking for here so I will venture out one day. There are a few japanese grocery stores that I could peek into as well. I would love to "stop" stop by in Singapore but the trip is a bit too far.... I have visited singapore twice when I was a student in Autralia. Very clean and friendly place!!!!
Cosy Bake said…

Visited your blog.... the house is so beuatiful. i wish i have a home like that! he he.... I am pretty sure your can get the violet flour from local japanese marts. Hey if you do visit singapore again, drop me a mail, may be we can meet.
Nutpi said…
Thanks for your quick reply. I might also drop by the korean supermarket, they might have it.

I will be sure to let you know if I visit Singapore, thanks :).

I wish that was my house as well... well..maybe one day....

Take care,
hanushi said…
Hi Honeyboy,

Just want to say, I have just created a blog too, to share my journey in my bakes.

Inviting you to visit if you have the chance. Can be linked from my profile. Hope to see you. :)
Your #1 Fan said…
The swiss roll look so beautiful.
Cosy Bake said…
Thanks Jet, welcome to my blig!
hanushi said…
Honeyboy, thanks for dropping over. Have a safe and fun trip at London! :)

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